Why Koshika

100% of Your Donation for Beneficiaries

Entire amount Donated by you is used for treatment of the beneficiaries. Not a Rupee out of it is spent on anything other than the cause for which you donated.
Koshika's administrative & other expenses are funded by Trustees (out of their personal funds) and/or grants from Corporates/others

Income Tax exemption for Donors

Donors (both Individuals & Companies) enjoy rebate on their Income Tax dues, under Section 80G, on donations made to Koshika. 

Transparency – Proof of Utilization of your Donation

All Donors receive verifiable Proof of Use of their contribution, citing details of beneficiaries' name, age, address, photos, type & dates of surgeries performed etc.

All details of Beneficiaries (name, age, address, photos, type & dates of surgeries performed etc), for each month, are also uploaded regularly on Koshika's website. Specific beneficiaries of your kindness are tagged with your unique & confidential Donor Code (assigned by us to you as a Donor and conveyed along with Proof of Use). You can view the details, relevant to your Donation, on “My Donors' Page” section. You can thus "virtually" connect with the recipients of your kindness through photos & details on the website.

Koshika – a Trustworthy Bridge between Donors & Beneficiaries

We maintain complete transparency & accountability towards all our stakeholders. Our Systems & Processes are a testimony to this resolve. Koshika's Books of Accounts are audited by third party statutory auditors, and up-to-date Audited Accounts are available on Koshika’s website.

Eminent Partnerships

For offering quality care, we have partnered with reputed Eye and Heart Hospitals to conduct surgeries/treatment/camps. These Hospitals have a proven track record of high quality patient care, positive outcomes and ethical dealings. Partner Hospitals are selected per due-diligence of pertinent details.

Koshika – A Beacon of Hope

Koshika offers support to beneficiaries from:

  1. Camps held by Koshika & Partner Hospitals
  2. Netra Kendras
  3. Camps & Charitable OPDs run by other Charitable Institutions
  4. Walk-in beneficiaries requesting assistance

Incoming patients are assessed for eligibility to receive financial assistance, based on various criterion.

Koshika, in conjunction with partner Hospitals, follows a set process of screening and monitoring the help rendered to the beneficiaries.

Transparent Audit

Koshika's Books of Accounts are audited by third party statutory auditors. 

Professional Governance

Koshika is managed by professionals with complete integrity & transparency and without any religious or political affiliations.